
Empowering Web Creativity

EasyRotator Pro License Needed

Your rotator is currently configured to use one or more EasyRotator Pro features.  (You might be using a Pro template, audio or video, or a Pro feature in the Settings section.  All the Pro features are labeled with this icon in the wizard: Pro feature icon)  While the standard features in EasyRotator are 100% free, you have to purchase a license to use the Pro features.

If you've already purchased an EasyRotator Pro license: 
Simple fix!  You just forgot to add your site's domain to your account.  You can do it right here.

If you haven't yet purchased an EasyRotator Pro license:
You have a couple of options:

  • You can purchase an EasyRotator Pro license for your site right here for $20 (or as little as $8 if you buy more than one).  This will allow you to use unlimited Pro features on your site.
  • You can disable the Pro features; your rotator will then appear the same online as it does in the preview, no purchase needed.  To do this, make sure in the wizard that you're (1) Not using a Pro template in the Layout/Presentation section; (2) Not using audio or video in the Images section; and (3) Not using any of the Pro features like Wraparound Looping in the Settings section.  If your rotator still displays the same message and you can't figure out which Pro feature is enabled, drop us a line and include the rotator page URL.

Have More Questions?

Still confused about anything?  Please let us know, and be sure to include the URL of the page where your rotator is displayed.

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