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Posts Tagged ‘design’

The Z-index Property: How to Control Stacking in Your Webpages

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

Stack of cookies

Have you ever had a problem with a menu showing up behind other content on your webpage? Most of us had. In this article, I’m going to explain how these problems can be avoided by using the CSS z-index property, which controls how elements are stacked in your pages. You’ll learn to use the z-index property to ensure that the right content always ends up on top.

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Quick Guide: Adding Smooth Scrolling To Your Webpages

Monday, February 13th, 2012

Smooth scrolling improves usability and aesthetics

As webpages become longer, you often need to link to specific sections on the page. Instead of instantly jumping from section to section, adding smooth scrolling improves your pages’ usability. Use our free script to make the process drop-dead easy.

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Quick Tip: Beautiful Web Typography Is Now Easy!

Saturday, January 14th, 2012

Beautiful Online Typography Is Now Easy!

Are you still primarily using Arial, Verdana or – please not! – Comic Sans MS on your websites? Until recently, beautiful typography and the internet didn’t play nicely together. Using fancy fonts meant embedding all of your text in images, or risking incompatibility with many users. It was a royal pain!

Today, however, there’s hope. As browsers have matured, support for embedding custom typefaces in webpages has advanced. Many new online tools and services have popped up to make web fonts easily accessible to web designers. Unfortunately, though, most services are rather expensive, and most do-it-yourself tools aren’t easy to use.

In this quick tip, I want to share an option that’s both free and easy to use. Google Web Fonts is a free service offered by Google as part of their effort to help beautify and improve the web. They’re working together with the community and typography specialists to create special fonts that are 100% free for you to use on your commercial and non-commercial projects. Best of all, they handle all of the messy technical details to get them onto your webpages. Adding these special fonts to your pages is as simple as adding one line of code to your page and updating your CSS’s font-family declaration.


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