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Posts Tagged ‘xfs3’

XML Flash Slideshow Testimonial: “Absolute coolest slideshow viewer”

Wednesday, February 27th, 2008

A satisfied XML Flash Slideshow customer writes:

This is the absolute coolest slideshow viewer I have seen. I just had to get it.

– Gregory Miller

XML Flash Slideshow Testimonial: “By far the best”

Thursday, February 14th, 2008

A satisfied XML Flash Slideshow customer writes:

Thank you very much for creating such an outstanding program. I’ve been looking for a looooooong time for gallery software and this is by far the best.

– Dameon Jamie

XML Flash Slideshow Testimonial: “Thank you very much”

Tuesday, January 8th, 2008

A satisfied XML Flash Slideshow customer writes:

Thank you very much for this product. It is great and I was looking for something like this for almost 2 months. Thanks!

– Valentin Vesa

XML Flash Slideshow Testimonial: Saved Hours of Headaches

Wednesday, December 19th, 2007

A satisfied XML Flash Slideshow customer writes:

Thanks for the great app – you have saved hours of headaches making my own galleries in actionscript and XML.

– Neil Gurr

XML Flash Slideshow Testimonial: “Don’t think I can work without it”

Tuesday, November 27th, 2007

A satisfied XML Flash Slideshow customer writes:

…Just purchased V3 I can not tell you how useful your plugin is – don’t think I can work without it.

– Bob Orsillo

XML Flash Slideshow Testimonial: “I LOVE it”

Monday, October 29th, 2007

A satisfied XML Flash Slideshow customer writes:

Great program!  I installed and it works beautifully.  I LOVE it.

– Joe Wiecha

XML Flash Slideshow Testimonial: “Best Photo Gallery I’ve Seen”

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

A satisfied XML Flash Slideshow customer writes:

I just wanted to say, that this is an incredible extension for Dreamweaver.  This is the best Photo Gallery I’ve seen period.  What a God-Sent!!  Excellently programmed, and to think I was going to try to write this one from scratch, ouch!  Keep up the good work guys.  Your product is worth more than its [price] bucks.  I will tell other designs/developers about your extension software :)

– Mark Hawkins

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XML Flash Slideshow v4 Flash Audio Kit for Dreamweaver

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