Classpublic class Rotate
InheritanceRotate Inheritance TweenEffect Inheritance Effect

[Dummy Class Only!] The Rotate effect rotates a component around a specified point. You can specify the coordinates of the center of the rotation, and the starting and ending angles of rotation. You can specify positive or negative values for the angles.

To use the Rotate effect with non-embedded text, you must set the treatAsBitmap property to true on the target component.

This class is part of the EffectLibrary sub-effect documentation. It is a dummy class used only to document the supported parameters for a given sub-effect node.

See also


Public Properties
 PropertyDefined by
  angleFrom : Number
The starting angle of rotation of the target object, expressed in degrees.
  angleTo : Number
The ending angle of rotation of the target object, expressed in degrees.
 Inheritedduration : Number
Duration of the effect in milliseconds.
 InheritedeasingFunction : Function
The easing function for the animation.
  originX : Number
The x-position of the center point of rotation.
  originY : Number
The y-position of the center point of rotation.
 InheritedrepeatCount : Number
Number of times to repeat the effect.
 InheritedrepeatDelay : Number
Amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait before repeating the effect.
 InheritedstartDelay : Number
Amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait before starting the effect.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined by
Property detail
public var angleFrom:Number

The starting angle of rotation of the target object, expressed in degrees. Valid values range from 0 to 360.

The default value is 0.

public var angleTo:Number

The ending angle of rotation of the target object, expressed in degrees. Values can be either positive or negative.

If the value of angleTo is less than the value of angleFrom, the target rotates in a counterclockwise direction. Otherwise, it rotates in clockwise direction. If you want the target to rotate multiple times, set this value to a large positive or small negative number.

The default value is 360.

public var originX:Number

The x-position of the center point of rotation. The target rotates around this point. The valid values are between 0 and the width of the target.

The default value is 0.

public var originY:Number

The y-position of the center point of rotation. The target rotates around this point. The valid values are between 0 and the height of the target.

The default value is 0.

Constructor detail
public function Rotate()