Classpublic class EffectLibrary

The EffectLibrary class functions as a central repository for all effects. A single instance of the class is created for the slideshow and is accessible by referencing the FlashSlideshow_instance.effectLibrary property.

The effects stored in this class are defined in the <effects> section of the XML configuration file. Within the main <effects> node, individual effects are defined by <effect id="uniqueEffectID" type="sequence|parallel"> nodes. Within these <effect> nodes, the one or more constituent subeffect nodes are defined. Here is an example of four effects which have been defined in the XML configuration file:

    <effect id="blurFade" type="parallel">
     <Dissolve alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" duration="1000" />
     <Blur duration="1000" />
    <effect id="popIn" type="parallel">
     <Popper displayOffsetX="0" smoothing="true" blur="BlurFilter(1,1,1)" waitToHideTarget="false" isShowEffect="true" duration="400" strength="1.2" transparent="true" easingFunction="Easing(Exponential.easeIn)" />
    <effect id="move6000" type="sequence">
     <Move duration="3000" />
    <effect id="resize1000" type="sequence">
     <Resize duration="700" easingFunction="Easing(Exponential.easeInOut)" />

As mentioned above, there are two supported type attribute values for each <effect> node. Using a type of parallel creates an effect in which all subeffects play simultaneously. Using a type of sequence creates an effect in which all subeffects play sequentially.

The following different types of subeffects are supported:

See also


Public Methods
 MethodDefined by
This is the method which applies the effects defined in XML through the <effects>...</effects> subnode of the main <slideshow> node in the XML configuration file.
The main effect access function; returns the effect associated with the passed id value from the repository.
Constructor detail
public function EffectLibrary()
Method detail
public function applyXML(node:XML):void

This is the method which applies the effects defined in XML through the <effects>...</effects> subnode of the main <slideshow> node in the XML configuration file. For more information about the correct format for the effect-definition XML, see the class description above.

There is generally no reason for this method to be called manually; it is used automatically internally.

public function getEffect(id:String):Effect

The main effect access function; returns the effect associated with the passed id value from the repository. If no effect is found for the requested id value, an empty effect is returned.

There is generally no reason for this method to be called manually; it is used automatically internally.

