Classpublic class AnimateProperty
InheritanceAnimateProperty Inheritance TweenEffect Inheritance Effect

[Dummy Class Only!] The AnimateProperty effect animates a property or style of a component. You specify the property name, start value, and end value of the property to animate. The effect sets the property to the start value, and then updates the property value over the duration of the effect until it reaches the end value.

For example, to change the width of a Button control, you can specify width as the property to animate, and starting and ending width values to the effect.

This class is part of the EffectLibrary sub-effect documentation. It is a dummy class used only to document the supported parameters for a given sub-effect node.

See also


Public Properties
 PropertyDefined by
 Inheritedduration : Number
Duration of the effect in milliseconds.
 InheritedeasingFunction : Function
The easing function for the animation.
  fromValue : Number
The starting value of the property for the effect.
  isStyle : Boolean
If true, the property attribute is a style and you set it by using the setStyle() method.
  property : String
The name of the property on the target to animate.
 InheritedrepeatCount : Number
Number of times to repeat the effect.
 InheritedrepeatDelay : Number
Amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait before repeating the effect.
  roundValue : Boolean
If true, round off the interpolated tweened value to the nearest integer.
 InheritedstartDelay : Number
Amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait before starting the effect.
  toValue : Number
The ending value for the effect.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined by
Property detail
public var fromValue:Number

The starting value of the property for the effect. The default value, which is used if no value is specified, is the target's current property value.

public var isStyle:Boolean

If true, the property attribute is a style and you set it by using the setStyle() method.

The default value is false.

public var property:String

The name of the property on the target to animate. This attribute is required.

public var roundValue:Boolean

If true, round off the interpolated tweened value to the nearest integer. This property is useful if the property you are animating is an int or uint.

The default value is false.

public var toValue:Number

The ending value for the effect. The default value, which is used if no value is specified, is the target's current property value.

Constructor detail
public function AnimateProperty()