 BrowserChangeEvent The BrowserChangeEvent class represents event objects specific to the BrowserManager.
 ChildExistenceChangedEvent Represents events that are dispatched when a the child of a control is created or destroyed.
 CloseEvent The CloseEvent class represents event objects specific to popup windows, such as the Alert control.
 CollectionEvent The class represents an event that is dispatched when the associated collection changes.
 CollectionEventKind The CollectionEventKind class contains constants for the valid values of the class kind property.
 DividerEvent Represents events that are dispatched when a divider has been pressed, dragged or released.
 DragEvent The DragEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched as part of a drag-and-drop operation.
 DynamicEvent This subclass of Event is dynamic, meaning that you can set arbitrary event properties on its instances at runtime.
 EffectEvent Represents event objects that are specific to Flex effects.
 EventListenerRequest Request sent from one SystemManager to a SystemManager in another application through their bridge to add or remove a listener to a specified event on your behalf.
 FlexEvent The FlexEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for many Flex events.
 FlexMouseEvent The FlexMouseEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for Flex-specific mouse activity.
 FocusRequestDirection The FocusDirection class defines the constant values for the direction focus may be moved in.
 IndexChangedEvent The IndexChangedEvent class represents events that are dispatched when an index changes.
 InterDragManagerEvent An event sent between DragManagers that are in separate but trusted ApplicationDomains to handle the dispatching of DragEvents to the drag targets.
 InterManagerRequest This is an event that is sent between ApplicationDomains to notify trusted listeners about activity in a particular manager.
 InvalidateRequestData The InvalidateRequestData class defines constants for the values of the data property of a SWFBridgeRequest object when used with the SWFBridgeRequest.INVALIDATE_REQUEST request.
 ItemClickEvent Represents events that are dispatched when a navigation item on a navigator bar, such as a ButtonBar, LinkBar, or TabBar control, has been clicked.
 ListEvent The ListEvent class represents events associated with items in list-based controls such as List, Tree, Menu, and DataGrid.
 ListEventReason Constants for the values of the reason property of a ListEvent object where the value of the type property is ListEvent.ITEM_EDIT_END.
 ModuleEvent The ModuleEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for events related to dynamically-loaded modules.
 MoveEvent Represents event objects that are dispatched when a Flex component moves.
 PropertyChangeEvent The PropertyChangeEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener when one of the properties of an object has changed, and provides information about the change.
 PropertyChangeEventKind The PropertyChangeEventKind class defines the constant values for the kind property of the PropertyChangeEvent class.
 ResizeEvent Represents event objects that are dispatched when the size of a Flex component changes.
 ResourceEvent The ResourceEvent class represents an Event object that is dispatched when the ResourceManager loads the resource bundles in a resource module by calling the loadResourceModule() method.
 RSLEvent The RSLEvent class represents an event object used by the DownloadProgressBar class when an RSL is being downloaded by the Preloader class.
 SandboxMouseEvent This is an event sent between applications in different security sandboxes to notify listeners about mouse activity in another security sandbox.
 ScrollEvent Represents events that are dispatched by the ScrollBar class.
 ScrollEventDetail Constants for the values of the detail property of a ScrollEvent.
 ScrollEventDirection Constants for the values of the direction property of a ScrollEvent.
 SliderEvent The SliderEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for the change, thumbDrag, thumbPress, and thumbRelease events of the HSlider and VSlider classes.
 SliderEventClickTarget The SliderEventClickTarget class defines the constants for the values of the clickTarget property of the SliderEvent class.
 StateChangeEvent The StateChangeEvent class represents an event that is dispatched when the currentState property of a component changes.
 StyleEvent The StyleEvent class represents an event object used by the StyleManager class when a style SWF is being downloaded.
 SWFBridgeEvent This is an event that is sent between applications that are in different security sandboxes.
 SWFBridgeRequest An event that is sent between applications through the sharedEvents dispatcher that exists between two application SWFs.
 ToolTipEvent The ToolTipEvent class represents ToolTip events, which are generated by the ToolTipManager class.
 TreeEvent The TreeEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for events that are associated with activities in tree, such as when a tree branch opens or closes.
 TweenEvent Represents event objects that are specific to Flex tween effects.
 ValidationResultEvent The ValidationResultEvent class represents the event object passed to the listener for the valid validator event or the invalid validator event.