Classpublic class XMLManager

The XMLManager class holds all loaded XML and manages access to it. It loads all of the XML and merges any external data source XML into the main XML object (after reformatting it as needed). A single instance of the class is created for the slideshow and is accessible by referencing the FlashSlideshow_instance.xmlManager property.

This class can be extended, but at this point there is no reason to do so.

Once the SlideshowEvent.DATA_XMLLOADED event has been dispatched on the main slideshow instance, you can then use the query and/or queryList methods to query or modify the XML object.

Working With Dynamic Data Sources: Transforming the XML Format

Sometimes, when you use a dynamic data source, you may not have full control over all of the fields which are passed. A common example of this is a Flickr API feed. When using a Flickr API feed, only the image title is passed; the description is not. In other cases, you may not have access to all XML fields, but you need to pass something like a custom autoplayDelay value for a specific image. To work around this limitation, the XFS v4 provides custom field transformation support. This allows you to embed multiple fields in a single field which is passed, and the XMLManager automatically parses out all of the information and assigns it to the appropriate fields. There are two custom transformation types which are supported:

Embedding caption/description in the title field: In cases like the Flickr API usage case described above, you may need to include both the caption/description and title all in the title field. To do this, specify both the title and caption in the title attribute, separated by: {desc} . The {desc} code indicates the boundary between the title and the caption. Here is an example:

<img src="somefile.jpg" title="The Image Title{desc}The image description/caption is here." />

Custom image attributes embedded in the caption: This is especially helpful when using an RSS feed, or some other format in which you have no control over custom slideshow-relevant <img ... /> fields (such as autoplayDelay or toolTip). In these instances, you include a special value (or values) in the caption/description which will cause the XML parser to add custom attributes to the corresponding <img ... /> node which is created. The format for this custom value is: {setAtt:attributeName=attributeValue} . Thus, suppose you wanted to set a custom autoplayDelay value of stop (which makes autoplay stop when the image is reached). To do this, you would use a caption/description like this:

The image's full description {setAtt:autoplayDelay=stop}

This would result in: <img ... caption="The image's full description " autoplayDelay="stop" /> . The next example shows a caption/description which would specify a custom video file for the slide, as well as specify a custom tooltip:

   The image's description {setAtt:toolTip=Click the slide for video to play...} {setAtt:video=path/to/custom_movie.flv}

See also


Public Properties
 PropertyDefined by
  failedURLs : Array
If a loading failure occurs while loading any of the XML files, its url will be added to this array.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined by
query(q:String, x:XML = null):*
Allows for querying the XML object for a single node using an XPath query.
queryList(q:String, x:XML = null):XMLList
Allows for querying the XML object for a list of results using an XPath query.
Property detail
public var failedURLs:Array

If a loading failure occurs while loading any of the XML files, its url will be added to this array.

Method detail
public function query(q:String, x:XML = null):*

Allows for querying the XML object for a single node using an XPath query. Returns an XML node result. You can use e4x expressions on the returned XML.

This method should not be called until the main slideshow dispatches the SlideshowEvent.DATA_XMLLOADED event, which indicates that the XML data is ready to be accessed.

If you select multiple nodes and get an XMLList result, use the queryList method instead.

x:XML (default = null)


See also

public function queryList(q:String, x:XML = null):XMLList

Allows for querying the XML object for a list of results using an XPath query. Returns an XMLList of results. You can use e4x expressions on the returned XMLList.

This method should not be called until the main slideshow dispatches the SlideshowEvent.DATA_XMLLOADED event, which indicates that the XML data is ready to be accessed.

If you only want to select a single XML node, use the query method instead.

x:XML (default = null)


See also