Classpublic class ModuleManager

The ModuleManager class centrally manages dynamically loaded modules. It maintains a mapping of URLs to modules. A module can exist in a state where it is already loaded (and ready for use), or in a not-loaded-yet state. The ModuleManager dispatches events that indicate module status. Clients can register event handlers and then call the load() method, which dispatches events when the factory is ready (or immediately, if it was already loaded).

Public Methods
 MethodDefined by
[static] See if the referenced object is associated with (or, in the managed ApplicationDomain of) a known IFlexModuleFactory implementation.
[static] Get the IModuleInfo interface associated with a particular URL.
Method detail
public static function getAssociatedFactory(object:Object):IFlexModuleFactory

See if the referenced object is associated with (or, in the managed ApplicationDomain of) a known IFlexModuleFactory implementation.

object:Object — The object that the ModuleManager tries to create.

IFlexModuleFactory — Returns the IFlexModuleFactory implementation, or null if the object type cannot be created from the factory.
public static function getModule(url:String):IModuleInfo

Get the IModuleInfo interface associated with a particular URL. There is no requirement that this URL successfully load, but the ModuleManager returns a unique IModuleInfo handle for each unique URL.

url:String — A URL that represents the location of the module.

IModuleInfo — The IModuleInfo interface associated with a particular URL.