Classpublic class Move
InheritanceMove Inheritance TweenEffect Inheritance Effect

[Dummy Class Only!] The Move effect changes the position of a component over a specified time interval.

You can specify the initial position with the xFrom and yFrom values, the destination position with xTo and yTo, or the number of pixels to move the component with xBy and yBy.

If you specify any two of the values (initial position, destination, or amount to move), the slideshow automatically calculates the third. If you specify all three, the slideshow ignores the xBy and yBy values. If you specify only the xTo and yTo values or the xBy and yBy values, the slideshow automatically sets xFrom and yFrom to be the object's current position.

If you specify a Move effect for a moveEffect trigger, and if you do not set the six From, To, and By properties, the slideshow automatically sets them to create a smooth transition between the object's old position and its new position.

You typically apply this effect to a target in a container that uses absolute positioning, such as Canvas, or one with "layout=absolute", such as a Panel. If you apply it to a target in a container that performs automatic layout, such as a VBox or Grid container, the move occurs, but the next time the container updates its layout, it moves the target back to its original position. You can set the container's autoLayout property to false to disable the move back, but that disables layout for all controls in the container.

This class is part of the EffectLibrary sub-effect documentation. It is a dummy class used only to document the supported parameters for a given sub-effect node.

See also


Public Properties
 PropertyDefined by
 Inheritedduration : Number
Duration of the effect in milliseconds.
 InheritedeasingFunction : Function
The easing function for the animation.
 InheritedrepeatCount : Number
Number of times to repeat the effect.
 InheritedrepeatDelay : Number
Amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait before repeating the effect.
 InheritedstartDelay : Number
Amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait before starting the effect.
  xBy : Number
Number of pixels to move the components along the x axis.
  xFrom : Number
Initial position's x coordinate.
  xTo : Number
Destination position's x coordinate.
  yBy : Number
Number of pixels to move the components along the y axis.
  yFrom : Number
Initial position's y coordinate.
  yTo : Number
Destination position's y coordinate.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined by
Property detail
public var xBy:Number

Number of pixels to move the components along the x axis. Values can be negative.

public var xFrom:Number

Initial position's x coordinate.

public var xTo:Number

Destination position's x coordinate.

public var yBy:Number

Number of pixels to move the components along the y axis. Values can be negative.

public var yFrom:Number

Initial position's y coordinate.

public var yTo:Number

Destination position's y coordinate.

Constructor detail
public function Move()